lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007

mUdER wE wRotE! xD

1&2) FinaL proJect Team:
JMRG!../"Jest Murder resolve group!"/
mEdiA eXpERt - oF couRsE GeoRGe! =)MaTh "eXpErT!" - mE xD
fOrensIC sCienTisT - riCky =O
JournALisT-GiseLLe! xD oVioUslY
3) tHe pRocEsS /

1. What is forensic science? thE aRt of crEatIng aN aRGumEnt baSEd UpOn rEasOniNG anD evIDenCe.
2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?

bIoLogiCaL...TrACE eVideNCe.. iMpreSSioN sucH aS fiNgER prinTs foOtweAR iMpresSioNs tiRe traCkS..coNtroLed SubStanCes...TissuEs.. SemEn saMplE..bLoOD saMpLE

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?

bEcaUsE iF yoU kNOw thE tiMe oF deAtH yoU caN fiNd poSsiBLe suSpEcTs anD wiTh pOsSiBLe suSpEcTs yoU caN finD thE cRImiNaL! :O

4) I thinK thaT wiTh thE heLp of cAlcuLus we WiLL soLve "thE muRdeR caSe" anD as iN thE dEscRipTioN of thE fiNaL projEct saYs it wiLL intRoduCe uS tO thE woRLd oF fORenSic sCiEncE, tO pracTice acCumULatiNG daTa, anD utiLizE aLL wE haVE bEEn LeaRniG throuGh HiGH sChOOL, anD i THinK onE oF thE obJectiVes iS tO haVe fuN duRinG thE coURse! =)!! ..

1 comentario:

Ing. Linda Licon dijo...

Please, it is kind of difficult to read this font with mixed size... use a regular font ok?