miércoles, 11 de abril de 2007


oOps.. i forgoT!

Reflection time!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

What do you think is the most important thing you learned through this WebQuest?
how to apply calculus in real life

Would you recommend the use of a WebQuest to learn Mathematics or some other Science subject?
Totally... i loved it!...


Vacations... tucsoN! =)
Exams.... Did we learn something this partial?? (Everything was about the CENEVAL or TOEFL! )

Im happY because we're almost done with school...
but at the same time i feel sad because everybody is going...
I think i might go to, but im scared to death!!!!...
it's really hard to live on your own, specially far..far!! away from homE!
Also i really have no clue of what am i going to study its really hard to choose ..i mean that is what im going to do for the rest of my life...
I have been thinking weather to work a semester and organize my ideas or to start studying even though i if i start studying i might be wrong and study something that doesn't satisfy my needs.

mUsiC!: Rihanna Ft jayz - umbrella


Journalist: Gisel A.
- Contribution: 1
- Quality: 1
- Problem Solving: 1
- Attitude: 1
- Focus on the task: 1

Media expert: George Fast
- Contribution: 1
- Quality: 1
- Problem Solving: 1
- Attitude: 1
- Focus on the task: 1

Math expert: Mariana (Autoevaluation)
- Contribution: 1
- Quality: 1
- Problem Solving: 1
- Attitude: 1
- Focus on the task: 1

Forensic scientist: Ricky
- Contribution: 1
- Quality: 1
- Problem Solving: 1
- Attitude: 1
- Focus on the task: 1

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2007


OOOOOk!--- The CENEVAL... I know we took it a week ago!... but time is passing by so quickly!!..OMG! I can't believe it...anyway,I think that the CENEVAL was exhausting, and I was getting kind of dizzy, and i think it was because i was starving, or because there were too many circles to fill!!!

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2007


LuV'yA'AlL! **= ;*
tomOrRoW giSeL tURnS 18! ea ea wO! =) ..

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2007

domingo, 25 de febrero de 2007

Questions Part 2

What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
That the temperature of a corpse varies proportionally with the environments temperature.

What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
The environment
Temperature of the corpse

According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
WHAT DEATH :o /It is in my homework! =)

How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
Because the temperature changes proportionally to it.

How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
It affects the time of death because you have to look at what temperature does the corpse was before he/she died.

How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
Pretty close, but like it says its an approximation =(.. a good approximation =)

Our ProbLeM! =)

Jest murder resolve group!

The dead body of professor H was found at the classroom at 6:50 am Friday, March 26th, 2007. The police determined that the cause of the death was a lethal injection with a substance that causes immediate death upon entering the bloodstream. The syringe was found at the scene with Miss X fingerprints on it. Needless to say, Miss X is a prime suspect. In fact, two reliable eyewitnesses at the school saw Miss X near the classroom at 7 am that same day. Miss X's alibi of being in Mr. R´s office can be verified, but only from 6 to 6:30am. Determine Miss X's innocence or guiltiness, attempt to determine whether or not the crime was committed after 6:50am.

Additional Facts:

-Miss X is in a community service at a clinical chemistry lab, and she is the one in charge of disposing used syringes.
-All DNA evidence in this case has been thrown out due to multiple lab errors.
-To determine the Algor Mortis, at 6:50 am, when the body of the professor was found, its temperature was 96 degrees. The body temperature was recorded again at 6:56 am and found to be 95 degrees.
-The classroom room temperature on night was recorded to be 75 degrees at 6 am, and 70 degrees at 7 am.
-Three days before the murder, the professor visited a physician, at which time the professor's body temperature was recorded at exactly 101 degrees.
-On the morning of the murder, before coming to work, the professor wrote the following journal entry:
"I have felt terrible ever since I had that horrible incident with one of my Heat students. What was his name, was it John? And for the past few days, I have had this terrible fever. I finally feel better today, not 100 percent, but nearly back to normal."

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2007

sO sMaRt!

PracTicE maKes Purr....fectiON!

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

Murder we wrotE! (Questions 4-7)

Questions 4 to 7....

What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?

1. The rate method. Measuring the change produced by a process which takes place at a known rate which was either initiated or stopped by the event under investigation, i.e. death. Examples include the amount and distribution of rigor mortis, the change in body temperature, and the degree of putrefaction of the body.
2. The concurrence method. Comparing the occurrence of events which took place at known times with the time of occurrence of the event under investigation, i.e. death. For example, a wrist watch stopped by a blow during an assault, the extent of digestion of the last known meal.

What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?

Temperature of the body

How does the environment affect the time of death?

Newton's law of cooling states that the rate of cooling of a body is determined by the difference between the temperature of the body and that of its environment.

What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?

I think that its really hard to find the exact time of death because there are a lot of factors that may vary. I think that Algor Mortis is the closest one in guessing or approximating the time of death because the main factor affecting the corpse is the environment and in Algor mortis is the first thing take in notice. =)

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2007

foTo bOOTH! xD xP


lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007

mUdER wE wRotE! xD

1&2) FinaL proJect Team:
JMRG!../"Jest Murder resolve group!"/
mEdiA eXpERt - oF couRsE GeoRGe! =)MaTh "eXpErT!" - mE xD
fOrensIC sCienTisT - riCky =O
JournALisT-GiseLLe! xD oVioUslY
3) tHe pRocEsS /

1. What is forensic science? thE aRt of crEatIng aN aRGumEnt baSEd UpOn rEasOniNG anD evIDenCe.
2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?

bIoLogiCaL...TrACE eVideNCe.. iMpreSSioN sucH aS fiNgER prinTs foOtweAR iMpresSioNs tiRe traCkS..coNtroLed SubStanCes...TissuEs.. SemEn saMplE..bLoOD saMpLE

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?

bEcaUsE iF yoU kNOw thE tiMe oF deAtH yoU caN fiNd poSsiBLe suSpEcTs anD wiTh pOsSiBLe suSpEcTs yoU caN finD thE cRImiNaL! :O

4) I thinK thaT wiTh thE heLp of cAlcuLus we WiLL soLve "thE muRdeR caSe" anD as iN thE dEscRipTioN of thE fiNaL projEct saYs it wiLL intRoduCe uS tO thE woRLd oF fORenSic sCiEncE, tO pracTice acCumULatiNG daTa, anD utiLizE aLL wE haVE bEEn LeaRniG throuGh HiGH sChOOL, anD i THinK onE oF thE obJectiVes iS tO haVe fuN duRinG thE coURse! =)!! ..

sábado, 27 de enero de 2007

Learning from your mistakes

"We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others..."Pascal

I think it means that in order to learn something in life you have to be the one who experience the mistake or the success.

Integral Calculus Class...During this week i had fun learning integrals although they were simple and easy (comparing what we are going to learn during the semester) i really understood the topic.

lunes, 22 de enero de 2007

Speak out!

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.- Martin Luther King, Jr.

a. Why do you think this activity starts with the Martin Luther King Jr. quotation?

Because by being silent no problem can be solved

b. When do you think you could use a Blog in this course

When we have problems and need a solution or when we have something interesting to say.

viernes, 19 de enero de 2007


Hi.. my name is Mariana Lizeth Morata León, i'm a senior at ITESM high school, basketball is my hobby, i love music (specialy r&b!! wiiii!!!)...also i LOVE tv series (they rocK!) i watch Gilmore girls, One tree Hill, The class, 30 Rock, Ghost Whisper, Greys Anatomy, ER, Strong Medicine, CSI, What about brian, Courting Alex, Prision Break, Wildfire, Grounded for life, among many others. ya morata cortale la lista(alqamaru*here). Ok i think that's it for now =)
PD. I LovE mATh!!
This weeK i LearNeD anTidevatiVes!! actualy when i was doing the homework i guessed what antiderivative and i was right!!! wiiiiII i'm so smart, but not as smart as my teacher Linda!! she's PerfecT! :0
and also she gets the flow very quickly(alqamaru*here)